At MIT, education is at a moment of reinvention. We are reinvigorating our traditional practices of making and doing while accelerating pedagogical innovation through digital tools and experiential education. And we are expanding opportunities for leadership training to support the growth of students both in and outside the classroom. In this spirit, the School of Engineering launched the New Engineering Education Transformation (NEET) pilot program in Fall 2017, an initiative that is boldly reimagining an MIT education to reflect the realities of the present and anticipate the needs of the future. Available to sophomores across the Institute, NEET is a cross-departmental program with a focus on integrative, project-centric learning. NEET scholars spend their sophomore through senior years immersed in projects that cross traditional disciplinary boundaries. The program cultivates in students the essential skills, knowledge, and qualities needed to address the formidable societal challenges posed by the 21st century.
NEET is built entirely around the “new machines and systems” --- including mechanical, molecular, biological, informational, and energetic constructs --- that our graduating students will build during their careers after they leave MIT. Students learn the NEET Ways of Thinking, cognitive approaches such as critical thinking, creative thinking and ethics that would help them to work more effectively on their own. Students who have elected to pursue NEET will earn a degree in their chosen major and simultaneously earn a NEET certificate in one of the following four cross-departmental pathways or “threads” --- Autonomous Machines, Climate & Sustainability Systems, Digital Cities, and Living Machines.
Interested in sponsoring NEET? Please contact Dr. Babi Mitra, Executive Director.
We welcome both engagement and financial support from individuals and corporations.
Industry and foundational sponsors become part of the NEET undergraduate educational experience and community, offering expertise and mentorship. Our goal is to have industry leaders from sectors that address societal challenges facing us --- climate change, pandemics, sustainability and renewable energy to name a few, and align with the solution domains covered by the NEET threads listed below --- additive manufacturing, autonomy and robotics, building technology for the public good, applying engineering principles and concepts to problems in the life and medical sciences, and renewable energy. Sponsors get to interact with NEET scholars (students) through the three years of the program; such exposure can lead to potential recruitment opportunities.
NEET welcomes both engagement and financial support from individuals and corporations. We encourage participation in projects as mentors and as resources to further shape existing NEET threads and to develop new ones. There is also an opportunity for industry affiliates to inform the design and development of these industry-focused programs by providing inputs on industry needs and by helping to design and evaluate projects and seminars.
Sponsorship Opportunities
We welcome financial sponsorship at a variety of levels
4 opportunities to fund
New Projects Development
Design, development, and improvement of the unique project components focused on new machines for a NEET Thread.
NEET faculty, instructors, and students design the vision and project armature of a NEET thread, which typically includes three semester-long NEET project classes that NEET students would take in their sophomore, junior and senior years. This would also include expanding the available project options available to NEET students. Projects could be those initiated by faculty and students in research areas of interest, as well as those initiated by industry in business areas.
4 opportunities to fund
Technical Instruction for a Thread
Providing support for a Lead Instructor in a NEET Thread.
This position is the spearhead in implementing NEET’s project-centric approach in the context of the cross-departmental thread and in collaboration with the faculty lead and other teaching staff, is responsible for tactical execution and operational oversight of all the project-centric aspects of a thread.
8 opportunities two for each Thread
Teaching Assistant for a Thread
Providing support for a Teaching Assistant in a NEET Thread.
Teaching appointments advance the development of graduate students by giving them experience in scholarship and instruction while also providing an income.
other resources, e.g., hardware, software and online training material, for educational use by NEET scholars.
12 opportunities three for each Thread
New Content Development for a NEET Seminar
Providing support for content development of a NEET seminar.
12 opportunities three for each Thread
New Lab Development
Providing support for laboratory materials and equipment for a NEET project class.
16 opportunities four for each Thread
New Content Development for the NEET Ways of Thinking
Development of video learning vignettes for one of the NEET Ways of Thinking, e.g., for critical thinking, creative thinking, personal skills(ethical thinking), interpersonal skills (EQ).
10 opportunities ten different topics
Creating Educational Videos with NEET Students
Development of videos on a broad array of topics that would be of interest to students, e.g., on climate change, the Covid-19 pandemic, sustainable development, avocations, and hobbies.
NEET Threads
NEET is built entirely around the machines, materials, and systems driving modern industry. The students who have elected to pursue NEET will earn a degree in their chosen major while spending their sophomore through senior years immersed in projects that cross traditional disciplinary boundaries. They will simultaneously earn a NEET certificate in a cross-departmental pathway or “thread.”